Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Caspian Valley College


Caspian Valley College was established in 1998 by some prominedt scholar's, engineer, banker and accouting professinal with a view of meeting the growing demand for quality education, It has been promoted by Caspian Education Foundation Private Limited. It is located at Kumaripati, Lalitpur, which is the centre of academic undertakings.
We proud of having several major strenghts a solid team of academicians, a student centered approach and an unbeatable ambience. At the same time, we are unique in the way we have kept ourselves abreast of the new trends in education and have responded to the ever changing needs of students.
The college offers education for +2 level under HSEB in science/Management/Humanities and BB, MBS (TU). Our programmes are run to quench the thirst of Nepalese students and are aimed to develop global competitors. Our purpose is to groom the students to be able to compete both nationally and internationally.
This year, a new team of seasoned academicicans and managers have undertaken the responsiblility of imparting quality education with world class infrastructure, well equipped laboratories and spacious classrooms with CC camera and sound system. Caspian has over the years promoted a multi ethnic and multicultural environment so as to prepare the students to adapt to global scenario. Caspian strongly believes that a good college should leave a legacy to the students not merely the certificates.
True to its motto, "Dedicated to Academic Excellence", the college endeavours to help its students unfold their latent potential, so that they can lead productive and presponsible lives. The secret that makes us a winner is that we compete on the global front. For we have long believed that there are many routes to achieve success, the real achievement is when you earn it on your own merit.
he college is semi residential and co-educational. It is a well reputed national institute with a philosophy that learning is a lifelong process. All the students of this college have a right to expect a high quality provision of positive learning ambience.

"Team Caspian knows that "Where the vision is one year, cultivate flowers. Where the vision is 10 years, cultivate trees. Where the vision is eternity cultivate people. Caspian, the place where the vision is ternity"

Caspian Valley HSS / College, a brand of nobility envisions institutionalizing and heightening it as a platform for academic excellence. The team holds humble ambition to encapsulate the aspiring hearts throughout the country by providing innovative pedagogy, need based teachings and ample field exposure in all fields and levels. The Caspian graduates shall be prepared to beome critical thinkers, ethnical decision amkers and contributing members of the local community and competitive global citizens.

Caspian has a mission to be a pioneer instutution for producing excellent, competent and world-class contextual students for national and international neds. And it also aims to instill competency and dynamism in the students. It ensures power in them to explore their innate calibre that paves the path for achieving a career worth rewarding and life of unparalleled dignity. To materialize its mission, it assures need based education, training, analytical research work and consultancy services. Besides, the college strives for everyone's access on it and cherishes their footsteps of quest and thirst of noble intelligence.
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